Biochar Manufacuring

You can use almost any organic material to make Biochar!

Biochar is a carbon-rich material created from agricultural waste through a process called pyrolysis. Biochar is used in soil, wastewater treatment, and renewable energy

Examples of feedstock

Biochar is a form of charcoal that is made from anything that was once living, either animal or vegetable. Many things from wood chip to chicken manure have been used, even household waste is being considered.

The simple steps

Batch or Continuous Process?

A batch kiln processes materials one load at a time, meaning the kiln is fully loaded, heated, cooled, and unloaded before starting a new batch, while a continuous kiln maintains a consistent temperature and allows for a continuous flow of material through the kiln, with new material being added as fired material is removed at the other end; essentially, a batch kiln operates in cycles, whereas continuous kiln runs constantly.

    • Batch Kiln: Each cycle takes 12-18 hours and typically produces 0.2 to 8 tons per cycle.
    • Continuous Kiln: Once running, usually between 0.2 – 2 tons/hour

Certification Process for Carbon Credits

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